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Rancho Mission Lot 69 Card 3

RANCHO MISSION LOT 69 CARD 3.tif RANCHO MISSION LOT 69 l. '{(CARD #3 Por- Permit to Lake Country onst. Co(Jack Baskin,Inc) to maintain construct.,._..,.,,storage yd & off o~--d~urray J:tlvd--,~-s~~ 7:lirectiona:1-----~s-:I~ o:f Lake Arian.a_Jilm, 8599 Lake Murray B-].__ for l yr to e:xp ire 6-30-62___ Case 4024 4-21-61 V-~--;,;----------- ~-G0B tr Co. to ei=:t-sig-11'--~W~l.vd TABI ED----------__,___/___________________ C_40~'!__v______ 5_/22/___61___________-------------------------------------------------Por &9 & 70, Permit to Slmset International_.fet.ro1eum Corp,om;& ~EHi Bd of Missions & CliUI"oh Brt of So Calif. & Ariz Annual Conferenoe of Method--- i st Chm-oh,- a o opr"., plll'oh -to- o onst o.tmrob. ~lant--, per---Mast-e-r---P, an--n----office--__o_n Tentatiye-1dl:t___ ~__ San Ce,1,"lQL..#'L_aW oo~]!\y&Jo Rd__j:_CQ.11le!'I Kt.B.Lvd, R-1., ~_c~':_'11_ ~--_u.2 op,J_ ~~-~---C:;!_;;:____ <:~E ~~2-____!:~~--~--~ Por 69 & 70- Cond 1 1 permit to Lake Country Terrace to erect and mnintdin for a period~ to-e.xoeecr-T yr--;-IOT J(~ree-starictrng-; unlightecr; direction----8-S-ign-,-----wi th 3 1 x 151 I! ider-- above, ~~in-n-e.w.- subd:l.v i.s (Fiesta Park) in San Carlos Unit #5, w1-ere max 8 sq. f't. slhgn advertising- p.,emis es---ror~ale o--r1-ease-ls pe-iml ttea,-on eastside ""'ake iV!urray-- Blvd.--;-op_-----pGS-!t-e end-----Gf' San-GarloS-- D.P.-,-R--l Zone-.- cas~-NG-. 54.6a!'-- 2-6-63,IJL------------------------------------- J_- ~--------~--------