Rancho Mission Lot 70 Card 11
RANCHO MISSION LOT 70 CARD 11.tif '. '... RANCHO MISSION LOT 70 Cf' Card # 11 Por of lot- Permit DENIED to Martin L. Gleich, American Housing Guild, to maintain for a period of one year two 6 1 x 10' x 141 hi double-faced 2-pole directional signs adv the "Knolls" & "Ridgehaven" where max 8 sq. ft. sign adv prop for sale or lease is perm at N. Side Navajo Rd- 1500 ft. E. of Golfcrest Dr. Zone R-1-5. C-10806 N.H. 10-13-71-PeF-ef-~et---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, permit DENIED to Humble 011 Co. to maintain (1) 12' x 24' x 18 1 hi, sin-faced, 4-pole dir sign adv. Ridgehaven (2) 6 1 x 10' x 12' hi sin-face 2-pole dir sign adv.The Knolls where 1 unlight sign offer premises for sale or rent is perm. at 6900 Blk Navajo Rd. (NE cor of Jackson Dr. & Navajo Rd, bet Navajo Rd. & Park Ridge Blvd,- APPROVED a one 6 1 x 12' sign adv. The Knolls with max ht. of 14' sub. to cond, Case 10900 fl fl. 11-8-71 Por- Permit to Ta.conic Corporation, Owner and Silver Gate Savings to operate a Planned Commercial Development located at the NE corner of Navajo Road and Jackson Drive. Zone R-1-20,-,-;:z-'S l PCD #10. 3-11-75 ~~---'?...-~}..:__.:L_________________________________________________________________ Por C,D & E- Planned Residential Dev. Permlt,t8,-,ttqme Bus, Dev. Corp, Owner & Shappell Industries, Permlttee to const & oper PRO located NE Side of Tlerrasanta Blvd., east of La Cuenta__________ #o/'~ /, l!,;,,..;,ue/4, ('!-97l)-~_g5_:'.lJ,.L..-1_2.-.10-30-75___________