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Rancho Mission Lot 70 Card 3

RANCHO MISSION LOT 70 CARD 3.tif,,,- HAi\lCH0 MI8SI0N- Lot 70 l CARD #3 to s.J). 9nified School District to constr Jr Hi, bet San Carlos Dr & Navajo Bd i'I of Boulder Lake Ave-.-. CUP 3065 3-2-60 i Por Lo't 70 & &9. Permit to ~et 1nternationa.l. Petroi.eum Corp,own & Los Angel! Bd of Missions & Church Ext of So Calif & Ariz Annual Conrerence of Methodisti Church.a oorp purch; to oonst cnurob. plant, per Master Plan in office; on, tentative Lot t,73,:Ban Carlos #9,SW cor Navajo Rd & Cowles Mt. Blvd,R-l.. 1 1_ C~~t ~~; v~of_____,. ~~:_ ~A~E-4!3~_ __!-_14:6=-tr.. i Por Lots K & L- to s.-n. Unified School Dist. to const an elem dcho 1, Kindergarten through Grade 6 on Lake Bisby Ave betw Highwood & Hudson Dr. I Zone R-1. C.U.P CASE 4695 2-8-6? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por. Permit to Martin L. & Enid Gleich to construct & maintain storage & construction yard & offices, on N side of Lark Murray Blvd approx 20001 NE of Lake Atlin Dr. interim R-1 for 1 yr. to expire 8/24/60._____________________ CASE.JI_2'])1_____ 8ll1:t/2,9____ Por. Permit to Martin L & Enid P. Gleich to maintain storage & const yd & bldgs, & maintain double-faced free-stand 8 1 x 241 directional arrow on top of shed in yd, N side Murray Blvd, 1000 1 NE of San 1'rlos Dr, R-1, for l yrJ io_exp_1L3!f.62.:.______ ~______ C!S #3198_____ y20L61____ Pon. Permit to Lake Co\llltry vonst. Co.- to maintain construction yard & office on E-side of Lake Murray Blvd with one 3 1 x 5, directioml sign approx 600 1 N of Lake Arlena Blvd. (C-I.LQ24.) where single family residence & max 8 sq. ft. sign is permitted, at 8599 Lake Murray Blvd b'etween Lake Atlin & Lake Arrowhead Dr., Zone R-1. CASE #5144 8/23/62 Q l t:J/=,-te j'-d- 3- {,, f t.j:,,,-U) f-;}_ 3- (;, ~--. v'\r"