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Rancho Mission Lot 70 Card 4

RANCHO MISSION LOT 70 CARD 4.tif RAtJC~-iO VISSION LOT 70 Por- Perrnit to Lake Country ConstructicL: Co.., owner_; Sarr C,, & Assoc*, le sse.c- to:11e.intalr:: for a riod not to e:.xceed 1 yr ex 1st, ~)ost--,.... c'"\urted,,r1-r r:;-}1tr-,d dr11~ 1) 1 e-+'pr-e t-v-t.,./--r;.,.,...:>- Case N.rJ" S V---------------------------------------------------------------------Por- T> ermit to s,, D(t "/J'":.i.f'ied sc:t1ool District to rr1.c)ve por.,table classrm to 6qlJ 3 c lass r.m ldg 6-1-t:-63------------------------------------------------------------------------- Per- Per~it to S. f'r\or:n----------------------------------------~--Por Lots 60 &?O = Pennit to The Ed Fletcher Co., a corp; Golden Paving I-Ia1er:i:aTs~-a-corp:-; & J.B. Stringfellow Co., a,..artnership, composed of J.B. Strin3:fellow, Sr., & J.B. Stringfellow, Jr.., each an undivided one-third interest, to operr::cte a facility for the extraction of natural resources, located no::--tnerly of dssion Gorge E'.d. & Ely of proposed Mound Ave., Intf> rim R-lA Zone.__________________--------------------------------------C. U. P._ Case No._;i.5't4______ 8-li-63q'"2,..