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Development Services

Rancho Mission Lot 73

RANCHO MISSION LOT 73.tif.RANCHO MISSION LOT 73 Por- Permit mobile nome of SanDiego. to Milton and Murial Steel and Sequoia Pacific Realco to operate an adult park located soutnerly of Mission Gorge Rd and Ely of tile boundary of City Zones R-1-40 and R-l-5 336-PC 7-10-72 Per.- (See also Per Lot 8, Rosedale Tract and Por Section 28, TISS, R2W, SBBM)- Permit to the Christiana Companies, Inc. to const and operate a PRD located easterly of Santo, I ~=~~~~~!-~~-~~=~~~~~-~:~-~~~~:--~=~=~~-~~~~~~=~-~=~~-~~~=:--~~-~~~~:-~~=~=?~: