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Rancho Mission Lot 78 Card 2

RANCHO MISSION LOT 78 CARD 2.tif Card /l_2 RA NCHG MISSION--------LG-T--178'A------ AMEND- 6-11-10-~ l-ls-7 ~ K-111,71,,,_____,, ~- Permit to Kearney Lodge, owner, to oonst and oper a-----P-8--I'k-wi-t.h--incidental recreational facilities located on th of Clairemont Mesa. Bouldvard betw Limerick St. and U.S. Highway 395, R-lB--~~~~~~;:. U'---- Cj.t ~~e.:J./~-:.}1JE:-d~~l.l(p3"-~~~.:1:. G_-/:. 1/'1f!"Jq_1J-J-/3-t_i; Por- Permit to s. D. Gas & Elec Co. to erect 8 1 high cha:In""link:fence withthree strandsc>?- i-barbed wire 011 1--1 azms above,-pro-j-,inward-ev-er----prlva-te---p!'Op-wh-er--e max-4Lhigh--fu~-, oLbarbed wire_ on 1 1 arms pr~j,_11ward over private prop is perm:i_'l;_ted, Por Lot 72 & 78, Rancho Mission; Por Lot 1, Blk 1, Rosedale; & Por Lot 8, The High]a,nns-_;--ft side of Over- . ~1."S.nd St., W--emi of Farnham St., kOO' M of eairemen-t--Mesa Bbd.l-M---lA----Z-ene"J---cendl-.--________ Case N'o._6.3ll__3::..~-=~----~----------------------------------------------- Permit-DENIED-1.ouis--I..---~,t owaer & Ml.ssien----Ou-tdool"-,-lnG.-.- Jessee, to erect. & maiot-a1o one 13 1-8" x~-6 post mounted, double fac:_ed, lidited, outdoor post,~ sif!ll wi~_ posts obs 8 1 SB & edge of sign obs S' SB on Kearney Villa Rd. J sign to adverUse "El Camino--,remori-n-Parkfl, a----cematery,t-not- located--on----t-he-premiseSf--one-- post.- be-located-in-tle-req--1-0.t.- planting s..trip_, ~ pmn & where~?.2~_5ll_~-~- at 5660 Kearney Villa Rd. betw Monel Ave. & Sandrock Road, Zone M-lA. Cases-No. 6736-.37---1-0-9-64------..- ABOVE APPEALED-10-1~ and the- appeal was denied& decision of-thEi z:,f . sustained & atfil'med. Cases No. 673ti---yr 12-i.0--64.---,;;~-tor:J6co;~;~-;;:;-~;-~-;;-;;;:;;:;-::-~-;;;~;;;-~-~ Ci;;-~orney1s Office. I City Attorney rec1.Jmmemled f'Uing newcipp, Cas1H1-ifo.~?----