Rancho Mission Lot 78 Card 4
RANCHO MISSION LOT 78 CARD 4.tif ~ R~CHO t-1!SSION l,OT II 78---Lot portion 78- Permit (amended applic) to Aetna Life Insurance Co to erect 2 4' high masonry walls with fioodlight!lilluminated sign on each wall, as shown on plans on file; signs & walls to encroach 25 1 in req 25 1 front yd &.. st side yds where max 3 1 high wall is permit; at NW & NE corners of Clairemont Mesa Blvd & Ruffnerc.~, on Por Lot 78, Rancho Mission, Zone Ai,l..-10, Tentative Lot 23, Kearny Industrial Park, Zone M-lA; & on Lot 151 Kearny Indust Park Ill, Zone M-lA; approved cond 11. iza or- T-...E- +oi."-f'?-fr-):l.-(7-3-10) Case No 8736,1,,,,,..,,. 1-1-11((7-1- 7.:1.,) 7-8-68 Por- That the City Planning Director & tbe Director of Building Inspection are hereby authorized to issue to Magnatron C0rp of America, Inc. a building permit for the construction of a building & improvements upon tbe portio of said lot, owned by said corp, provided tnat the plans and specification therefor conform to the req of the Building Code. Res. 127696 7-28-55 ""'l?or- Perml~ to kr, Arno R.-'.Dalby to cons tr a 100,- x 100,- addn to exist non-conformigg- / bldg'witll O' sideyd on south side (permited by C-2364) addn to also to obs O' sideyd wllere 19' is req at 5625 Kearny Villa Rd., east of Cabrillo Freeway & north of Monel Av~ L p~_ lt;!g~~ an nDI! file M-lA Zone. condl C-9465 9-5-69.M-'.-_______ {c;_. $________________------------------------------------------------------- Leased Por- Permit DENIED to Lenore s. Birkenstock, own & Benton Plating Service, lessee 1 I to construct 19'9" x 71'7" loadipg dock adjacent to KeB!"Dy Villa Road, thereby eliminatiDE required 10' planting strip at 5b30 Kearny Villa Road, Zone M-lA. Af}rEALEP Tols:Z.A > i- 3-~- 7D c-9693 1-28-70