Rancho Mission Lot 78 Card 6
RANCHO MISSION LOT 78 CARD 6.tif RANCHO MISS I ON LOT 18,_ CARD #6] Portion- ZA APPROVED permit for KEARNY VILLA INVESTMENTS: Owner, FEDERAL ElRESS CORPORATION~ Lessee, in C-19093 to install a ground mounted satellite antenna observing a 5' interior side yard where 20' is reqd, at 9192 Kearny Villa Road, Zone M-1B with cond. C-19093 3/17/86_U> t_1_0_,-coc-as:.-0602,-ZA~ea~iarui-asked-1y-i?'E"rER-MRo'EMA,-EuFai> Provea.-HJiiaing_1:o__ observe 10'0" front yard setback where 25'0" setback is required subject to conditions at northeast side of Kearney Villa Court, Zone MlB, C-19314 9-26-86 IDt 78- PLANNING DIREC'IOR APPROVED full refund to NAS CONVOY PARTNERSHIP who cancelled their plans to build a temp. tract real estate ofc.; A-1-10 zone. 12-15-89 Portion- ZA APPROVED CUP request of INTERCHANGE PARK ASSOCIATES, OWNERS: MICHAEL WISHNACK, D.V.M,, LESSEE, to establish a veterinary hospital within an existing industri~l building where such use is permitted by CUP only, located at 5610 Kearny Mesa Road, M-lA Zone, Airport Environs Overlay Zone, Conditions. C-20866 1/3/92