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Development Services

Rancho Mission (Partition Of) Lot 16 Card 1

RANCHO MISSION (PARTITION OF) LOT 16 CARD 1.tif RANCHO MISSION lPARTITION OF) Lot 16 \,0 ~#/ i Permit to Howard R. and Nell P. NcQyeen to excavate approx 1500 cu. yds, of soil f~r/ use as transport material for a new subd. on Sly en of Thrush St.g1 near 59th St. &- Im erial Ave. Res. 5272 l-24-51 Par- Permit to Harold w. & Donna Nadell Lutes to canst & aper whlesle & retail store & yd for display & sale of garden supplies, etc., lmperisl & Gannet St. Res. No. 6161 2-6-52 Par- Permit to Harold W. & Donna Nadell Lutes yo erect store with 5' SB on Imperial & O' SB on Gannet. & erect 51 ch link fence with O' SB on both st. fr, Res. No. 6162 2-6-52 Par Lot 16- Permit to Don Goodwin to const & aper a 100-bed convalescent hospital located on the west side of Euclid Ave. N of Hwy 94 Zone R-1-5. Ext. to exp . 0-19-66 (11-17-66) CUP 7294 10-8-65,, l 6- fWr.}-