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Rancho Mission (Partition Of) Lot 17 Card 1

RANCHO MISSION (PARTITION OF) LOT 17 CARD 1.tif,,,.---~.. BANCliO MISSION (PARTITION OF) Lot 17- ""' Ca rd # I.,Port of- Perm! t to Alva W. & Genevia"le G .. Oliphant to cons sing on N 65 1 of thelr-.. parcel, on E side of' Euclid Ave. & N of Beverly Sub, Oon 11 appr. Res. 5247 1-17-51. Por. of- Pel'l!dt DEBID to o.D. & Ethel Arnold to operate off aale liquor store in exist bldg. ..____!9:!e~_M!s.! ~.2-'!t~!,ti.,___________ ~..-_R!,S.!. fo,:.. 2,62,7__ 1-gij:5!,__ Por. of- O.D. & Ethel Arnold AJ30Vl!l- Appeal filed cm Bea. 5c:i7 DlllBIED, and ZC dee SIJ.etained. ~------------------------------3~L~.j~Dl~-~1H~ Por of- O.D. & Ethel Arnold (AEOVE) St.:Sd. of Equal. to revoke liquor license _________________.._____________.Q..Q.._~s!.. flQ.35._ ~~5.1- Por of- o. D. & Ethe~ Arnold to erect doubleface neon sign on tower approx 26 sq.ft. on ea ~-_s.!_d!_,_a~v.!. J?:tl!..L 19.s_--5!:ttB: _t!..____________-~s!..,No.!...2_!!2____3.:5-_5g_ For- Pacific Outdoor Cordtz Div., le~~e@te~ Irwin & Eliz. Goodwin, owner, DENIED to move in ' 12 1 x 48 1 billboard sign presently/on adj. C-lA parcel, 5301 Federal Blvd, R-2 zone,_. Case 3049 1-22-60 Por Lot 17, Permit to Arnbro Corp. to relocate pylon type neon sie,i, max of 33 1 high & maa ~ 14l'-3" wide, sign presently in 0-JA zone, to ZIID8 B-C at 1960- 54th St._. CASl5 #3226 . 3-25-60-----------------------------------,------- Puo._t.L7, Peimit to irvln Goodw_~_- 1i,j. RtOf@.iea~i;ate ~nd relocate o~arn.~Jot..ab 5$0FF'e-iiel"a1=1il:Jd. A HM i~-__.111111111$-14-6,1-a------------------.---- ------------- '---Por- Permit to Revival Pentecostal Tabernaole to erect & maintain for a ~eriod not to exceed two yrs, one post-mounted o~ 3 posts, single faced, lighted 8 1 x 12 sign; top to be 10 above a~ade si t d future church plant, ill~nated by spotll..,gltts o-A grffi ihlrlemu Si&~. 0/t sign, back of BB, for chu:rch is perm. at!,400 Federal fi1v..9.-, Interim R-2 Zone Condl Case No. 4954 6-13-&2-