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Development Services

Rancho Mission (Partition Of) Lot 17 Card 2

RANCHO MISSION (PARTITION OF) LOT 17 CARD 2.tif MNCHO MISSION (PARTITIOJ:1 OF) LOT 17,(}-CARD# 2 Por- Permit to Jon.s.than Manor, Inc., owner, to const & operate an ice skating rink containi'lg approx 4.5, 000 sq. ft, located NEly of the intersec- tio1 of Federal Blvd. & Euclid Ave., Interim R-2 Zone. ~-~~~-~~.?.:--l!':~-:.1-~E:f____________________:~~::~-~8:.~~-~~:E~~-~=~=~~------ 6 Mos. ext. granted to above c.u.P. case No. 5686 to exp. 12-7-64 5-22-64-------------------------------------Por. (per legal on file)- z.A. considered app of Gloria LeeDemers McColl, owner, and Atlantic Richfield Co., lessee, to demolish exist serv sta and const new gar serv eta on premises as follows: (1) to reducr por of req 101 landscape strip adj to Euclid Ave., Westover Pl., & 54th St., per plans (.3 1 wide on Euclid and 54th, and 5' wide on Westover) (2) to install four light poles as follows: l. on Euclid Ave. & 1 on 54th St., encro 6 1 into req 101 plant strip, and 1 on Euclid Ave. & 1 on 54th St. encro 101 into 101 plant strip; (3) to erect one 3 110" x 2218 x 30' high double-faced, lighted, ground sign at junction of Euclid Ave. & 54th St; edge of sign encro 101 into req 101 plant strip adj to both sts; (4) to erect two 4' x 3 1 unlighted price signs encro 101 into req 10' plant strii: one on Euclid Ave. & one on 54th St.; (5) to erect two pump islands with canopies encro 21 into req 101 plant strip, one on Euclid Ave. & one on 54th St.; (6) to const a serv bldg & office encro 5' into req 101 plant strip adj to Westover Pl., in 1800 bllc 54th St. at the NW intersection of Euclid Ave. & 54th st., Zone C-lA, and has in part DENIED and in part APPROVED as follows: (1) APPROVED 31 wide landscape strip adj to Euclid Ave. & 54th st., but DENIED the requested 5' landscape strip adj to Westover Pl.; (2) APPROVED light poles encro into req landscape strip as requested; (3) DENIED as requested but APPROVED the 3 110" x 22'8" x 301 high sign to be located with pole at edge of landscape strip approx. 8 1 N1l.y of requested location as shown on plans marked Exliibit "A"; (4) APPROVED) two 4 1 x J', unlighted. price signs as shown on plans markea;;.Xhibit.. A": (~,..ut,i:'u,,,,J. C-lfl/ t_ 7 11-:-.20-re,_z