Rancho Mission Partition Lots 33 & 34
RANCHO MISSION PARTITION LOTS 33 & 34.tif RANCHO MISSION PARTITION LOTS 33 & 34 (~ All Lot,,33, Por 34- Permit to Fagerb.eim Dairy, Inc., Owner and Executone Systems- San Diego, Lessee to operate communication equip sales & service company, max 5 employees & some part-time nelp at 9065 Friars Rd. R-lA Zone, 5 yrs to exp 12-31-64 C-2986 12-18-58 All 33, por 34- Permit to Fagerneim Dairy, Inc., owner and Tower District Co., Lessee to use ~1st bldgs for storage &wb.lsl distribution of communication towers & parts at 9073 Friars 'Rd. Zone R-lA. Condl. c-4211 lt-7-61 ~~;-;;:1~;-;4-:-;;;;;:~;-;~-;;;;;;~-~;~;;:-i;~:,~;;;-;~;;;;;,-;~-~~~;;-;;;;;;-;;~;; 62-space tz:e,iler park; also constr 79 space addn; rent 6 exist sin fem res; rent 1 exist duplex, operate 1 exist pet supply business; operate 1 exist boat & trailer storage bus; & operate wnolesale tower business, presently operating under variance at 9065 Friars R., known as Friars Rd M bile Lodge, R-lA. Cond 'l. ~ c-4292 a-30~61 e-mos ext (3-7-62 Lot 33 and por 34- Permit to Fagerlleim Dairy Inc.{onre Bros), Owner & ~ul D. Cnristian, lessee to operate glazing contractor bus in exist structure with. no employees & max 4 H.P. on premises, wner sin fam dwell on lot or par of land not less th.an 1 acre in size of recorc at time of zoning is perm at 9075 Friars Rd. R-lA. Cond 'l. 2 yr ext to exp 2-15-68 (12-15-65) " 11 " 11 11 2-15-70 {3-6-68) Amended 7-1-69 c-6253 2-7-64 ext to exp 2-15-72 (1-21-70) \ " 11 2-15-74 {1-31-72) e, (') Amended- 9-29-72 (0v ext to exp 10-1-76 (6-u-:r!J). \ ~ I ,o-,- 7& L'83I-.,~