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Development Services

Rancho Mission (Por. Of Horton's Purchase)Lot 15

RANCHO MISSION (POR. OF HORTON'S PURCHASE)LOT 15.tif RANCHO ~O:SSION (OF HORTON'S PURCHASE)...__..-::;::s= Lot 15 S.100 1 of E. 1001 of s. of NE- Condl permit to Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Demers to const med clinic bldg for max of 2 doctors, at NW cor of Elm & Euclid. Case #593 7-9-56 Por of Lot 15- Permit DENIED to Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Demers to const medical bldg with zero side yard on west prop line, BUT condl permit to const said medical bldg observing ~.side yd on w. prop line, a 5-ft. rear yard on north prop line, & observ. 10-ft. SB on Elm St. and 5-ft. SB on Euclid,. Case #790 10-8-56 AMENDMENT to Case 593 to allow a max of 3 doctors in clinic. 12-8-58-------------------------------------------------------------------s:tot 15, Eugene Shepard, Ol'mer, and.:f.M. Banister and L.R. Green4 lessees for 32-lane bowling alley etc. on W.side Euclid Ave. bet. Elm 81: & Marilou Rd, c.u.P. 2808 9-30-59-