Rancho Mission Of San Dieo Lot 53
RANCHO MISSION OF SAN DIEO LOT 53.tif RANCHO MISSION OF SAN DIEGO LOT 53 Permit to MISSION GORGE DEVELOPMENT CO., OWNER & V. R. DENNIS CONSTR. CO,, PERMITEE TO construct & operate a natural resource facility over approx. 250 acres of land located on the north side of Mission Gorge Rd,, between the ext. of Tierrasanta Blvd. & Margerum Ave. (also Lots 61, 62, 63 & 70), Zoned A-1-10, R-1-40 & M-1B. CUP 82-0611 (AMENDMENT TO CUP 238-PC) 2/1/84 Por.- CITY COUNCIL GRANTED a Conditional Use Pemci.t to MISSION GEORGE DEVEIDPMENT CO., OWNER, & V.R. DENNIS CONSTRUCTION CCMPANY, PERMI'ITEE, to construct and operate a natural resource facility over approximately 250 acres of land located on the north side of Mission George Road, between the extension of Tierrasanta Boulevard and Margerum Avenue, lying northerly of Road SUrvey 1634, A-1-10, R-1-40 and Ml-B Zones. COP #82-0611 6-14-83 (Anendment to COP #238-PC)