Rancho San Bernardo Card 3
RANCHO SAN BERNARDO CARD 3.tif RANCHO SAN BERNARDO J? CARD# Por- Cond'lpermit to Ranoho_Berna:rdo, Tno. to oonst 5, x-lOJ d1recti sign advert. golf course and Inn, where unlighted max 12 sq. ft. sign is--NW oor of Rancho Bez mu do Rd. 9,'. Be1naI"du Oaks-DI.,.Al-10 Zone.---------------------------- Gase.No. S!17fL_____ 2-5-6.3---~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Por-=-cond'l perm1tto ltancho~errardo, Iric.-tocons~ two unlighted double----f'.-a.ced 8' x--2-4-...L.s-~.:t--Ranc-llo..-Eernerdo dev.e.J.opme..nt.~--0.ne-- llj.OOL N of 11:ltePi, section on W side of Highway 395 & one 1500' S of interseqj;ion on east side i of Highway 395, for a perioa ol'one-year;-where-a--sq~-n~srgn-orrerlng---p.r~-1...se-s t'OP-Sa-1.e--&---unl!gnte.d max-.-J.2.sq... f't. s ign.-ls-_peri14- locate.cL.cm Hwy 395 at Rancho Bernardo Rd., Al-10 & R-1 Zones. ~----------- dl-.5-&~-------ce.seNo.:5li7Tv----- 2-5-63 v, /..X.tf_g__,a.__z:$__ ~e._____________________________________________________________--- (BERNARDO VILLA.GE (TE~ATIVEL_ LOT_J. l___----------___ pop.;.- Permit__J;o Rancho Bernardo___. Ino._to oonst_sing face~ 8 1 x 20-e__r___ sign advert proposed shopping center on site for a period of 1 yr., 011 Portion Rancho-San Bernardo--f'l'ent.-- tot--l--.-er-nardo Village- on- SW------_____-9~~-aianoho Bernardo Rd. ~f9111e~ado Il~________ J-__-~---- Case No. 5569 4.-12-63 Por- Permit to w. R. Hawn-& Harry f; . Surmners to aorist & main~ainT00 t-high..-oonnnuntty TV & FM tower 1ic-e--emporary ov-e-rnead cable, SW of-Coo"Y'dtnate- 306- 1748, Al-10 Zone,_C_o11dl._______ case-----Ro---.$6.~-_---------.S.-8-.u6-13---