Rancho San Bernardo Card 4
RANCHO SAN BERNARDO CARD 4.tif,-- RANCHO SAN-BERNARDO \!> ~ CARD # 4 Por- Perm.it to W.R~ Hawn & Harry L. Summers to const shoppi~enter \. maintaining approx 2.75 sq. ft. of parking for each sq. f't. of bldg, (tent. Lot 1, Bernardo Village), SW cor Pomerado Rd. & Rancho Bernardo Rd, propose'd C-lA (subject to recording map) Zone. Case No. 5658 5-8-63------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por- Permit tow. R. Hawn&: Harry L. Summers to oonst & oper temporary concrete batch plant to be used for Ranc~o Bernardo development, where agriculture uses are pe!J.1~ Coordinate N 319.9, E 1746.4, Al-10 Zone;condl. c'.J (~-~o-1a--na-ou.) C se jJ.O 56,1:,9?--2);-63... ~!:f::./#44 ~-1:1.: a_Jk~L'11k!i.)__ 2_R._ m_\o_ i~_.:-.1,.:q2, B:l.Q:-..P7l ':!,tii/:.~t-_ z.-1-e,,9 For- Permi-t to lf. R. H9w1 ' He.rry L. Summers to erect one 8 1 x 16 1 lighted double faced sign for 1 year, to indicate entrance to Rancho Berr2.rdo, where sir:gle family residences and "l'JaximUM 8 sq. ft. sign offering 1Jre> 01lses ror sale are perm, NE corner Hig;1way 395 & Rancho Bernardo Rd., R-1 Zone .._:ondl//1' XT- T~_,r-l', //-1-t~ l."~.ext. to. ~xpJ' Cfi1Ji;W&(6R]t;65)______ 10-15-63 ' p0 r- Permit tow. R. Ha1em & Harry L. Summers, owners & Pacific Telephone &-Telegraph Co., lessee, to install & maintain for approx two years, mobile telephone exchange unit surround ed by 6 1 high chain link fence on leased 50 1 x 80 1 par where single fam dwell are perm, approx 4500 1 South of Rancho Bernardo Road, 1B5 1 North of Stone Canyon Road & 20 1 West of Pomerado Road, Zo:-ie R-1, condl.- Amend to include a second mobile unit to be placed within the confines of the prel!lent1-v1/_p,e,IJilitt,ed 7 BAJ.B,') Case No. 6292 2-14-64 and extend variance 2 yrs. to exp ZIL/bB \2 15;oo Above C;~;;~6292-- 1 yr ext to exp 2-1-$9 f'1--..;l..:.0--'""68;_,),__._____,______,____ Case No. 6292 1 1-10-68