Rancho San Bernardo Card 5
RANCHO SAN BERNARDO CARD 5.tif,, RANCHO SAN BERNARDO ' '?.. t CARD #:; . 1 Por- Permit to Hawn & Summers,'Owner to constr & operate a nousing dev of 26r:f units East~rty\ of Hwy 395 and Nly of Rancno Bernard Rd. Zone R-1-5, CUP-C-6414 5-7-64 Ext to 5-18-65 (11-5-64) Ext to 11-18-65 (4-7-65) J;~;-:-;~~~~-~~-;~-;~-;~~-~~~-;~;;;-~~-~~:~;;:-~~~;;:-;~~~;~~-~~~-~~~:-;~;~~-~~-~;~~~----' Telephone Excnange Bldg for service of tne immediate area to replace mobile tnit previously perm & otnerwise locatec by c-6292 at S side Rancno Bernardo Rd,, 250' W of Bernardo Ri.dge Zone R-1-5, wnere sin fam dwell is perm. C-6630 7-27-64 6 mos ext to exp 7-27-65(2-8-65)- 6 mos ext to exp 7-27-66 (7-14-65) c')~:PJ-~7J7 ~:\t.~~k_:_ext_to_exp_7-27-68_(7-6-67)---------------------------------- Per Pel"lll:it to Re:eeae BeFBBFae, lee. 81,aeF &Ra Yaited Pree'b'teriae Ceurea, pyres to eoestsr etlttICb plaet ee f:lBF ee West si:de ~meFado Rd., hOO' l\l of Rallctl.o Beroardo Rd Zoae R-J-5- eond 11. e 6616 g I+ 61+ A.wended ~ 11+ 65 6 mes eJct te e;Wi ~11 65 l y:r ext to exp 8-4-66 (6-28-65) lSeJ!]lancbo.Bernardo Pres J:)hurcb ~b------------------------------------------------------- Por- Permit to Rancno Bernardo, Inc. to constr and operate an 18-nole golf course, club nouse, and driving range, located SW of Pomerado Rd, N of Rancno Bernardo Rd and East of Mirasol Dr and Bernardo Oaks Dr in tne R-1-5 Zone. C-7492 1-4-66 Amended 1-12-67