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Development Services

Rancho San Bernardo Card 6

RANCHO SAN BERNARDO CARD 6.tif RANCHO.3AN BEHNARDO)yard ii'6 Portion (per legal and plat on file)- Permit to Rancho Bernardo, Inc. to erect and maintain one three panel infromational lighted t,round sign advertising rl.ancho i;,erna.rcio and associated higraway services; top of panel to be approx 29 1 above freeway grade; bottom of bottom panel to be approx 4 1 above freeway grade; maxwillith of panel 33 1 (all per plans on file), on the East side_Ef Highway 9j(no~~rly of intersection with Bernardo Center Dr., Zone R-1-5, c~,~$-1 l~~-t;~0(}_,,,_ iJ~~l~ JY~f;,-,~-7:,}-;r:;e '- 0..:tf.'.L,,,,,-.;i 7~ 78 ~.,I(,{)-rr (lnHnl!J.J'M,_-I-A 'case No. 82~9,,N,.l!.,1,. 8-23-.67 /'n.,,.,_,, . ~ 9-t- 7~ 9~!_~~-:..!e..~-11.;.'2~-~- ~~~LIZ.- 12fo wl:.!.'l:.1.J>.J Portion (per legal and plat on file)- Permit to Rancho Be ardo, Inc. fo erect.and maintain one 3 panel informational lighted groWld sign advertising Rancho Bernardo and associated highway services; top of top panel to be approx 29 1 above freeway grade; bottom of bottom panel to be approx 4 1 above freeway t.rade; max width of panel 33 1 (all per plans on file), 011 the West side of Highway 395 approx one mile N1ly of Rancho Bernardo Rd., Zone A,.,1-10, Cond 1l. ~~r. N.__,.,,,;) Eu 7 '-',:,,,p-/ i- 7:' (;?-/t 7 0).,,,,,,..., (1(7........--(9'-l'l"c~!e No~ 8300 N.H 8-23-67 JL--JJ..,..::_J.-1- 73. (9~_7,.2-j_~- ~--LJ.~.J_-~_,d~ ii, ~.d.;L.O..;./'lfO Por- Permit to Rancho Berndt, Inc~, permittee to const and dperate a private recreational center located on W side ot proposed West Bernardo Dr., north of Rancho Bernardo Rd., which will include locker facilit7, one swimming pool, two tennis courts, volleyball court, picnic area, children's playground, maintenance yard, other incidental facilities to be designed and used primarily for the service and convenience of patrons of this 'project, 82 off-st parkiag spaces, Cond'l. 0 ~}:-}: ':" \ 2 \ l q C' CUP Case No. 177-PC u @e AO~ m0~ u.Y co W: a-~--~ a~ Portion (per legal & plat on file)- Permit to Rancho.l:lernardo, Inc. to const, ope~te & maintain a planned unit development consi~ting of 168 living units located easterly of Pomerado Rd. in the R-1-S Zone CUP Case No. 189=Pi:-. ll-l.'3-68