Rancho San Bernardo Tract #1 Annexation Card 2
RANCHO SAN BERNARDO TRACT #1 ANNEXATION CARD 2.tif RANCHO SAN BERNARDO TRACT Por- Permit to Rancho B~rnardo, Inc.,owner to constr & operate a 204 unit housing project for'senior citizens, including incidental recreational facilities located Sly of Rancho Bernardo Rd betw Hwy 395 & Pomer~do Rd in the Interim A-1-10 Zone. Cond'l. C-5004 8-3-62 Amended 8-31-62- Amended 6-5-63- Amended 6-17-66- Amended 6-16-67 Por- Permit to Rancho Bernardo,Inc, owner to constr & operate a golf course, including club nouse, lodge & related facilities; Nly of Rancho Bernardo Rd, betw Hwy 395 & Pomerado Rd in tne Interim A-1-10 zone. Condl. C-5003 8-6-62 Amended 1-4-66- Amended 9-5-68 Por- Permit to Sancho Bernardo, Inc, Owner to constr & operate a private rec center Nly of Rancho Bernardo Rd betw Hwy 395 & Pomerado Rd in the Interim A-1-10 Zone. C-5002 8-3-62 Amended 8-31-62- Amended 4-10-63 Per- Permit to Reno Bernardo,Inc to constr & operate ucdel nouse compound tmax 12 houses) with sales, loan & escrow office with off-street parking; also to constr the usual model ID signs of 2 sq. ft. on Reno Bernardo Rd betw Hwy 395 & Pomerado Rd. Al-10 Zone. ext to exp 8-17-64 (8-23-63) ext to exp 8-17-69 (9-6-68) ext to exp 8-17-71 (7-29-70) ext to exp 8-17-73 (7-17-72,,,.. " Y-17- lt/ (s- 3- 73~ '' '' '' f-/7- lb-,'7-9-lo//- ext to exp 8-17-66- ext to exp 8-17-68- ext to exp 8-17-72 C-5171 8-17-62 (12-29-65)- ext to exp 8-17-67 (8-19-66) (7-19-67)- ext to exp 8-17-70 (8-20-69) (8-3-71) Amended- 8~29-69