Rancho San Carlos # 5
RANCHO SAN CARLOS # 5.tif RANCHO SAN CARLCS UNIT 5 1 lllc.--s \\ Lot 355- Permit to Hallcre.ft Homes, owner, and George A. Ferris, purchaser to teach pie.no seven days a week, from 8:00 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. for a max of twelve students a day (one at a time), at 7405 Volclay Drive at the northeast cor of Volcle.y Dr. and Tuxedo Rd, Zone R-l-5- Cond1l c-12,0;1.2 6-18-73----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 283- Land Conservation Permit Approval to Craig Hursh for fencing in LC Zone. On East side of Jennite Dr. 53-LC 10-3-73-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 440- Permit to Joseph M. Phillips, Jr. to erect 75' of 6 1 high solid wood fence obs O' street side ya.rd on Volclay Dr where max 3' high fence is perm in req street side ya.rd adjoining front ya.rd of adjacent lot, at 7109 Ruane St. betw Golfcrest Dr and Volclay Dr. Zone R-l-5. Cond'l, C-12977 N.H. 1-14-75 Lot 374- Permit to Kenneth & Judith Kinman amended request to main 28 1 of approx 5' hi slumpstone posts with I' of slurnpstone wall In betw & to erect 4' of wrought Iron fence on top thereof & wrought Iron gate obs at clst pt 10 1 frontyd where max 3' hi fence Is perm in req 15' frontyd, 7155 Tuxedo Rd, Zone R-J-5. C-13489 N.H. 1-19-76----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 377- Permit to Arthur F. Jr. & Beverly A. Hayes to erect 68 1 of 6 1 high and 15 1 of 5' htgh soltd ~ood fence obs 01 st sd yd on Volclay Dr. at 7125 Tuxedo Rd. Zone R-1-5. Cond l t ton. C-14191,NH. 3-11-77.- ---.- -----~------ '~---;:;:- <-----------------------------------