Ravenna Park #1 Block 2
RAVENNA PARK #1 BLOCK 2.tif RAVENNA PARK #~ Block 2 ' Lot 11- Permit to William and Joan Jenkins to constr a 13' x 24' l:edroom, dining room addn to exist si fam res and to provide one parking space obs 0' front yard, where parking is req to be back of req 15' front yd; at 1763 Pentucket Ave, soutb of Fir St and east of Petra Dr. Zone R-2. Cond'l. C-10422 4-23-71 Lot 7- Hillside Review Permit to Zollezzl, 1799 Pentuckett 226 HR 9-5-75 Lot 9- ZA WITHDRAW request of DAVID J, SPANN LOIS E. SPANN, MfCHAEL L. 1rnffi'f'.r'f, 1'rAN'CY'____, L. BIRDITT to rebuild a duplex (non-comforming) in the Rl-5000 Zone. Located at 1777 Pentuckett Avenue, Rl-5000 Zone. C-20612 6/12/91