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Development Services

Redland Gardens Block E Card 1

REDLAND GARDENS BLOCK E CARD 1.tif REriLANri 'GARriENs Lot 9 Lot 2 Lot 9 Lot 4 E. Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 5 Lot 8 (Nly 65) [r Card #1 Permit suspended for fraternity hse to MRS. William Konrad1 56th &, N-E, (Ord. 12$94) Res 55322 11-24-30 Permit to J.B. Coker, 624 Broadway, for erect 2 hses on one lot, 2/ 5' SYs, R-1 Sea 64765 8-4-36 Permit to Wm. Konrad to place bldg 15' front.frnt PL on 56th St. Res 50377 6-10-29 Permit to Bryan Benson, by Gordon F. Samuel, for private garage, 101 from line on Redlands Dr. Res 68018 8-9-38 Permit to Lucy M. Nicholson, 5602 Ave. to operate rooming ha not to exceed 12 guests for 6 mos from date of this res, subj to the 6 standard conditions (expires 4 of Aug, 42) ~S 76121 2-3-42 Permit to G. E. Kramer to constr 211 x 31 1 gar & washrm on exist slab approx 75' back from front PL w/2' SY. Res 2276 5-22-47 Permit to George L. Flagg to 11'6" SB for res under constr 5550 Redland Dr. Res 2577 10-22-47 Permit to Margaret Bu.tzine to constr 12' x l!:) 1 addn to exist res, 4739 Redland Dr. Res 7868 11-13-53