Redland Gardens Extension Block I Card 2
REDLAND GARDENS EXTENSION BLOCK I CARD 2.tif, ,- , ' '. ~.. REDLAND GARDENS EXTENSION BLOCK I. Blk ' 1111 Lot 21, Residence 4 1 from P,L, Hinson Pl, 4 1 side yard for l cor. of garage Granted to G,W. Converse. Res. No. 68477 11-9-36 Block I- Lots 13, 14, 15,& 16- Permit ~o Coronado Develpment Company to redivide lots into four parcels at SW cor of Adams Ave. and Hinson Pl. provided a 10 ft easement is granted to the City for the widening of 54th St. across the property Res. No. 167Z 8-1-46 Block I- Lots 13, 14, 15,& 16, 17, 18, 19, & 20- Permit to Coronado Development Company to construct 8 residneces on property on the southeast corner of Admms Ave & Hinson PJ with a 10 ft. setback on Adams Ave; 10 ft on H1 nson Pl and 10 ft. on 54th St. Res. No. 1673 8-1-46 Block I- Lot 18- Permit to construct gar at 4600 H nson Pl wbth 2' s.b. on turning aroung maintaining 10 1 s.b. on Hinson Pl. Res. 1087 10-10-46 Lots 13 & 14- Permit to Birdie Mae Hensley to cons gar within approx. 2-ft. bank at 4660 Hinson Place- cond'I Res. 5323 2-13-51 Lot 3- Permit to M.R. Essery to erect addn on rear of exist gar, gar having 2 1 side- yard at 5469 Adams Ave. Res. 5446 4-4-51 LO't 21- Permit to Dr, Cortez R. & Mrs. Grace M, Ball to provide res14eotial. care llOllle for six aged persona; at lf6o7 BiDecm Pl 8114 em1 of cul-de-sac, soutb. ~.Mama Ave betw 54tb. & 55tn Ste. Zone R-1-5.Com1l' c-10590 1-30.71 APPEALED- Appeal DERIEl> 8114 decision of tbe z.A. be an4 b.ereby is euetainell am1 affirme4, including all com1it1ona 1mpoeect. c-10590 9-20-n APP.BALED to CoUDCil. Appeal vitb4rawD---~--~~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------