Redwood Village #1 Card 1
REDWOOD VILLAGE #1 CARD 1.tif, \-~4/ BEDWOOD VILLAGE NO. 1 Lot 81- Permit DENIED to carroll & Rlltl1 Jol1nson to erect 5' 111 fence in SB area, 43' in lengtl1, 5734 Redwood. Res. 7600 7-22-53 Lot 81-APPEAL of CBrroll & Rutl1 Job.neon from dee. of Z.C. Res. 7600 sustained & L z.c. dee overruled. Res. CC 114110 9-15-53 Lot 119- Permit to Edw. J. & Alma J. Braner to maint exist 5' fence in SB area, 5728 Redwood. Res. 7814 10-14-53 Lot 114- Permit to E.L, Harig to maint 4' 111 steel fence in Sb area, SE cor of Sue and 'l'llorn St. Res. 7866 11-13-53 Lot 37- Permit to W,T. & Nellie D. Harrod, Jr. to maint 4' 111 fence in ~Ile:aam SB area, 5844 Redwood St. Res. 7902 ll-25-53 Lot 118- Permit to C.M. Smitl1 to maint 5' 111 fence in SB area on Alice St. SW eor Alice & Tb.orn, Zone R-l Res. 7973 1-6-54 Lot 120- Permit to Mrs. Rose E, Marsl1 to complete & maint add to living room of exist res., add to obs 4'5" side (5' req) at 5722 Redwood St., Zone R-1. C-2754 8-13-59--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 42- Chae A. & Winifred Davenport to adj lot line betw Lot 187 Redwd Vill /j2 & sd 42 Wly por of Lot 187 will become por Lot 42 at 5846 '!born, Lot 187 being own by G.W. & M.L. Coombs, per new Cert of Survey encroach. bldg obs min dist of 3'9" from eave to new pr~, 111 line. C-3615 10-14-60 "'{(