Redwood Village #2 Card 1
REDWOOD VILLAGE #2 CARD 1.tif REDWOOD VILLAGE UNIT NO. 2 CARD. #J. Lot 142- Conell permit to Wm. H. Gibb to alter exist. non-conforming covered patio, the rsltg patio to obe 4' to 3' SY (5' req.), at 5927 Dwight, Zo~ R-1 Case #1941 7-ll-58 l__,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 187- Godfrey W. & Mgt L. Coombs to adjust lot l.ine per new Cert of Survey betw Lot 42 of Redwd Vil #1 & Lot 187 at 5858 Thorn St., cond'l Lot 42 owner c. A. & W. Davenport Case 3615 10-14-60 Lot 234- Agremnt to Mrs. Dora Cote to constr bar sink id fam rm of sin fam dwell at 5927 Redwood St., Zone R-1-5. The Dwellg and/or fam rm will never be maintained or used as other than a sin fam dwell. 6-20-69 Lot 164- Permit to Jesus & Elena Alvarez to (1) approx 20' of Exist 4' hi concrete blk retain wall on west p.1. & (2) to erect approx 75' more of 4 hi retain wall where ' max 3' hi wall or fence is perm in 121 estab SB on Dwight & Tie Sts at 5959 Dwight St. SE cor Dwight & Tie Sta., Zone R-1-5 C-9724 N.H. 3-3-70 Lot 185- AGREEMENT to DAVE WESTERFIELD AND /OR JACKIE WESTERFIELD to construct room addition with full bath to an existing single-family home, located at 5917 Michael Street, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #3025 12-16-83