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Reed & Daley's Addn Block 317 Card 1

REED & DALEY'S ADDN BLOCK 317 CARD 1.tif REED & DALEY'S AlfDi'IfON--,-. - BLOCK 317 O;)i"\ 1 /1-"" A_/-/A Ii II ~~\,:11 Lot 46- DENIED permit to Mrs. Everett Lopez to convrt an exist garage at 2888 Ocean View blvd to living quarters & const a bathrm add with 2 ft. 6 in. SY for exist bldg Res. No. 898 4-12-45 Lots 22,23,24- Permit to John Alien Echols to const and oprt restaurant on the SE corner of Franklin & 28th STS. Res. No. 1364 2-28-46-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 22,23,24- Permit to Daisy Mae Johnson (Townsend) to const 14'x24' bldg for oper of barbershop & beauty shop, Se cor 28th & Franklin Sta. .--~~~-~z::_-!::?!..___ CJ.a1.~~~L__ j_-s.-.1ti:~:-~~:-~:::____________:::~=~~------------ Lots 20 & 21- Permit to Chas & Pearlie to const duplex, making 4 units on prop, 3 of which will b servd by 7' access, S side Franklin bet 28th & 29th Sta., (cond) Res. No. 7078 1-7-53 Lots 25, 26 and 27- Permit APPROVED by ZA to JUAN ALVAREZ BUSTAMANTE to construct two wall signs: (1) a 6 1 X 11-611 sign on the south elevation facing Ocean View Boulevard; and, (2) a 11-611 X 3' sign on the west elevation facing 28th Street. Both signs to advertise an existing nonconfQrmlng restaurant use In the R-2A Zone, at 2802 Ocean Vl_ew Boulevard, Zone R-2A. Conditions. C-17449 \ I~ 11-6-81