Reed & Daley's Addn Block 323 Card 2
REED & DALEY'S ADDN BLOCK 323 CARD 2.tif.....,........... " ".,,.. ".. ~.. REED & DALEY'S ADDITION Bloek 323 Ely 9 1 of Lot I & 20 1 of 30th St. Cl~d- Permit to Neil H former res & permit sign to face of bldg in addn to other at 2993 Clay Ave. to 6-30-56 l7 Card # 2 & Clummer G Long to amend s i gn perm it ted on Res 9098 res. 9246 10-14-55 Ely 9 ft. Lot I & 20 ft. of 30th St Cl.Id adj Permit to Nei I extend above resolution for one year to expire 6-30-57 H. & Clummer G. Long to Case 459 5-4-56 7-1-57 11 11 11 11 two 11 11 11 6-30-59 Lots 45 & 46- ~ermit' to aohn Rearden William RAady and William & Sbeila NewtonDENIED by ZA to reconstruct nonconform.single-family dwelling destriyed by, flrewith existina du~lex; construct additions to dwelling on lot improved with 3 dwelling units (prior to fire) where two dwelling units are currently permitted located at 2982-2984 Franklin Ave,m MF-3000, Southeast San Diego Plannned District. C-20777 5/24/91