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Reed & Hubbel's Addn Block 14

REED & HUBBEL'S ADDN BLOCK 14.tif REED 8c HUBBELL'S ADDN BLOCK 14 10 Lots l.3 to l.5- Permit to Robert C & Effie Shuford to erect cone retaing wall 7'6" above the adj grnd lvl, 2741 Newton Ave. Res. No. 2507 9-10-47 Lot 39- Permit to Hannab Jessie to make interior aJ.teratns & rprs to exist non-com:' sin fem res, 1811 sideyd, 2758 Boston Res. No. 4061 8-10-49 Lots 37 & 38- Permit to Roscoe &: Mailne Cook to move in duplex makg a. ttl of 3 units on par with exist sin fem res on rear of lot which obs O' sideyd addn to obs all yd req, at 2750 Boston St., Zone M-2, cond c-4944 5-28-62