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Reed & Hubbel's Addn Block 15 Card 1

REED & HUBBEL'S ADDN BLOCK 15 CARD 1.tif REED & HUBBELL'S ADDITION BLOCK 15 CARD #1 \;, Lots 21.-28 incl- The X.A. considered the AMENDED app of HUMBEL OIL CO., purch. & JAMES N, IllRKIN, owner, to Case No. 754o; const commercial. service station eliminating 70' of landscaping area adj to 28th St. in front of pump island; to install 3 area lighters en- croaching 9' into req 10' planting area and to install free-standing, double-faced, in- terior lighted, revolving 29' high advertising sign encroaching 10' into req 10' planting area; and to erect one free-standing, double-faced, interior lighted, 77' high, 7' modular sign with edge of sign extending 10' over req 10' planting strip adj to the freeway, at 1145- 28th St., betw Boston Ave, & Interstate Highway 5 now in the R-4 Zone, but approved for C-lA to become effective coincidental. with filing of the map; & has DENIED the req to eliminate the 70' of landscaping area adj to 28th St. in front of pump island, but has APPROVED (A) a temporary plah to install landscaping in the 70' long area betw the 8' wide publ.ic walk and a 6" curb to be installed 3' inside the p.1.& thus providing a land- scaped area ranging in width from 5' at the N end to 8 1 at the s end; & with curb.,.anging in ht from 6" down to O" over a linear distance of l.8" & terminating 611 frm public ~k, & has APPROVED the three area lighters encroachin 9' into req 10' pl.anting area & to install free-stadg, dbl.-faced, interior lited, revlvg 2')' hi advertising sign en- croaching l.O' into req 10' p1antg area; & to erect one free-standing, double-faced, in- terior l.ighted, 77' high, 7' modular sign with edge of sign extending 10' over req 10' planting strip adj to the freeway & has considered app to (Case No. 7541) const com- mercial service station with canopy encroaching 5' into esta.b 10' SB; three area lighters encroaching 9' and one free-standing, double-faced interior lited, revolvg 2')' hi AD sign encroachg 10' into esta.b 10' SB, & has DENIED the canopy encroachg into estab 101 SB, but APPROVED 3 area liters encroachg 9' and one free-stdg dbl-faced, interiot" lited, revlvg 29' hi AD sign encroachg 10' into estab 10' SB, condl. c-754o-41 1/28/66