Reed & Hubbel's Addn Block 22
REED & HUBBEL'S ADDN BLOCK 22.tif... REED & HUBBELL'S ADDITION BLOCK 22 Lots 5 & 6- Permit to A.w. Miller to erect b.ospi tal for small animals 2' back from front p.l. Res. 53569 4-21-30 Lots 1 to 4- PLANNING COMMISSION GRANTED a Coastal Development Permit to EL POLLO LOCO to construct a Coastal Development located at 2795 Main Street, Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 14877, BLPD-Subdi strict "D" Zone. CDP # 89-0272 8-3-89 IDts 2 thru 4 and portion of IDt 1- SCA DENIED request by SICKELS, MC LAREN & ASSOCIATES, OWNER; EL POLID LOCO (DENNY'S INC.), LF.sSEE to (1) provide a 5'-0" wide planting strip where a 10'-0" wide planting strip is required adjoining public rights-of-way; (2) erect a 6'-6" high, nom.nnent sign observing a 1'-0" front yard where 3'-0" is the maximum height pennitted for a sign located within the required front yard; and (3) erect a 6'-6" high, nonument sign observing a 1 '-0" side yard where 3'-0" is the maximum height pennitted for a sign located within the required side yard- Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 14877, located at 2795 Main Street, SUbdistrict "D" in the Barrio IDgan Planned District, Coastal ZOne, Proposition "D" Height Limitation Zone. C-20251 3/24/89 IDts 2 thru 4 and port. of IDt 1- BZA GRANTS appeal of SICKELS, MC LAREN & ASSOCIATES, ONNER; EL POLID LOCO (DENNY'S INC.), LESSEE and OVERTURNS the DENIAL by the Sign Code Administrator to APPROVE Item No. 1 (see above) located at 2795 Main Street, SUbdistrict "D" in the Barrio IDgan Planned District, Coastal Zone, Proposition "D" Height Limitation Zone. w/ conditions C-20251 6/7/89