Reed & Hubbel's Addn Block 8 Card 2
REED & HUBBEL'S ADDN BLOCK 8 CARD 2.tif REED & HUBBELL'S ADDITION BLOCK 8) Card #2 \ Lots 1.4 and 1.5- Permit to Manuel. A. & Ramena Lopez to oonst sin tam res & gar makg 2 units on l.ot, exist res obs 1. 1 side yd (3' req) at 2()39 Logan Ave, R-4 zone on cond tt 1.0' access court be provided & walk installd rear bl.dg to st. Case No. 251.l. 5-1.5-59 Lots 5 & 6- Permit to Bert E. & Loraine I. Col.e to spottg & boiler rm (dry-cl.eang estab) but use of corrugated metal is denied & all bl.dgs to be stuccoed, boiler rm within 6 mos. & pl.ans- l. yr. for improvement of spotting rm. Case No. 2764 8-28-59 Lots 5 & 6- Permit to Bert & Loraine E. Col.e to canst combined spot & boiler rm fire detroyed bl.dg- dry cl.eang pl.ant, 2()77 Logan Ave. R-4 cond Case No. 3004 1.2-24-59~ Lots 31.-32- Permit to Mrs. Ruth Jacobson, owner; Jones Paper Co, A Calif. Corp. (Al.fred T. Jones Pres.), l.essee to use exist commercl. bl.dg for storage, packagg, and whol.esale distribtn of paper prod with a max of 8 emp. inc mana.gemt where retail & l.imited whol.esale uses r perm, at 2()32 National Ave, bet 29th & 30th Sts, C Zone, Cond Case No. 4937 5-31.-62--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------