Reed & Hubbel's Addn Block 8 Card 3
REED & HUBBEL'S ADDN BLOCK 8 CARD 3.tif,,..----- REED & HUBBELL 1S ADDITION BLOCK 8 ((CARD# 3 Lots 34 & 35 Stark dba S. ing activity are perm, at- Permit to E, H, Robinson, owner; O,C, Jarman & Robert V\, D. Paper salvage, lessees to operate paper salvage & proc~ss- wi th a max of 2 empl. where retail & limited wh.olesale uses 2938 National Ave., Zone C, condl. case No. 57 08 6-7-63 iA:> ts-Ji;)2-&JJ-:-P-ermftto-Mis-:-aut1tjacohson;-ower&Manuiacturiug_&_Product.loii-ser:-- vices, Inc., lessee, to use exist commercial bldg to operate a machine shop, inclucling tool grinding, presently employing six persons & with a max of 15 h.p. for all equipment and a future max of JO employees & SO h.p. for all equipment, where retail stores & limited manufacturing is pemi, at 2932 National. Ave., C Zom, condl. 2 yr ext to exp 12-30-69 (11-29-6~ Ex.T T2,_IL_!:f_E-3o-]i:!~~~j-~~0-7l~-~tdJ.-1 Lot 13- Permit APPROVED by ZA to RAUL G. AND HENRY G. RICO to remove a portion of existing two-story, single-family dwelling and construct a two-story addition with a 5 1 portion of the addition to observe a 2 1-211 side yard (existing dwelling observes a 2 1-211 side yard}, where 4 1 is required, at 2945 Logan Avenue, Zone R-2. Conditions. C-17440 NH 10-8-81 Lots 1 & 2- ZA APPROVED request for Conditional Use Permit of Alfredo B & Julieta E. Gregorio, to use single-family dwelling as a residential care facility for ten mentally disabled persons, subject to conditions, at 910 South 30th Street, Zone R-3000. C-18544 8/24/84--------------------------