Reed's Ocean Front Addn Block 8 Card 1
REED'S OCEAN FRONT ADDN BLOCK 8 CARD 1.tif_, eilrd #1 I Lots 5-6- DENIED permit to Ira R. Williams to build a 6 ft. fence around his property on the S side of Turquoise St. bet. Cass & Dawes Sts. and use as a wood yard in connec. with exist wood yard adj. Res. No. 930 '5-10-45 Lots 1-4- Condi. I. Russell Williams Jo erect a wholesale.e_roduct warehouse on the SE cor. of Cass & Turquoise Res. No. 1542 5-23-46 Lots 5-6 p DENIED permit to const. gracery store & park lot to be used in connec. with adj product market, 1015 Turquoise St. to Russell & Maude L. Williams. Res. No. 3668 1-26-49 Lots 5-6 Russell & Maude L. WillimasAppeal filed on Res. No, 3668 sustained and permission granted to const grocery store & parking lot on W 20' of Lot 5 Blk 8_Reed's Ocean Front, only, Res. No. 92792 2-23-49 (/ Lots 5-6-Russell & Maude L. Williams, Above Res. rescinded. Appeal filed on Res. No. 3668 sustained & permission granted to const. grocery store & park lot on W. 20' Lot 5 Blk 8 Reed's Ocean Front, only & park of autos in connec. therewith on bl l Lot 5 & al I Lot 6 in Blk 8, to be used in connect. w,th a_glj product mkt 1015 Tur-,.___gu-o i se I St. Res. No. 92908 3-1-49,. '_i 'i ' \ '-- lots 9 & 10 Al A. & Jessie Sodod DENIED request to erect duplex on rear of property making 3 units the duplex to be served by 5-ft. access court (10' req) at 1035 Turquoise Zone R-4. Case No. 2185 12-12-58.\ (I '.. nJ 1 i r