Reed's Ocean Front Block 1 Card 2
REED'S OCEAN FRONT BLOCK 1 CARD 2.tif REED'S OCEAN FRONT BLOCK 1 lfo Card /12 Lots 4 & 5- ZA APPROVED Yard Variance request of ALLAN.S, AND E, FRANCES LOLLY to maintain the following, currently in violation, the conversion of the second story of a two-story commercial bldg, to two residential units (1) obs. a 2 1-11 11 side yard at the closest point where 6 1 is required for residential uses; (2) walking deck serving said dwelling units obs, a 0 1 front ayrd at the slocsest point and encroaching into the public ROW where a 20 1 front yard is requried for residential uses; (3) stairway enclosure obs, a 0 1 front yard at the closest point where 20 1 is required for residential uses; and (4) water heater enclosures obs, a 0 1 east and west side yard where 6 1 is required for residential uses- located at 945 Turquoise Street, C-1 Zone, Coastal Zone, Coastal Height Limitation Zone, Pacific Beach Community Planning Area, Conditions. C-20994 8/7/92----------------------------------------------------------