Reed's Ocean Front Block 4 Card 2
REED'S OCEAN FRONT BLOCK 4 CARD 2.tif REED'S OCEAN FRONT BLOCK 4 {7 CARD #2 Lots 29 & 30- Permit DENIED Mr. James A. Grant to const a 5-unit apt bldg (Case No. 7461) with five parking spaces 33 1 from curb line and 0 1 from front p.1. where parking is req to be' 181 from curb line & 3 1 inside front p.1., & (Case No. 7462) encroaching 20 1 into req average of the block SB of 42'-9", at 936 Loring St. at the NE cor of Loring & Bayard Sts, Zone R-4. Case No. 7461 & 7462 11/24/65-------------------------------------------- Lots 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, and the east half of lot 22- Permit was considered by A2A to CECIL D. HARRIS to construct a one and two-story commercial building on a C and CA Zoned parcel; that portion of the structure to be in the CA Zone to result In: (1) 61.5% lot coverage where 50% is the maximum permitted (total parcel coverage 42%); (2) six off- street parking spaces to be provided where 32 are required (a total of 37 spaces to be provided); (3) building to observe 8 1 front yard on Loring Street where 10' is required; and (4) eaves to observe a 1 '-5" front yard on Loring Street where 6 1 is required, at 972 Loring Street, intersection of Cass Street, Zone C and CA. DECISION: (1) APPROVED; (2) APPROVED; (3) DENIED; (4) DENIED. eoNDITIONS. C-17063 1-16-81 Lots 25 & 26- Permission is hereby granted to JA Macdonald, owner/Permittee to demolish an existing single-family residence and replace with a new four,unit condominium located at 954 Loring Street, R-15001. CDP 91-0134,5/15/91