Reland Tract Lot 13
RELAND TRACT LOT 13.tif REDI.ANJl TB8CT TOT 13 Permit to Leo T. Wilson, 46o8-54tb St. to erect,..and operate five residences in Zone R-l Res. 64936 9-22-36-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------W 230' of N 221.6 1 of Lot l.3- G. B. & Grace B. Belson, James & Adelle F.asterly, Andrew & Hanna. Peterson and Louis & Zoe Weinbert DENIED permit to redivide said parcel into 4 lots, 3 to be 54 in width and one to be 59.6 in width, facing Adams Avenue, and permit sin fam res on each Res. No. 3632 12-29-48------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W 230' of N 221.61 of Lot 13- G. B,-& Grace B. Nelson, & Adelle F.asterly, Andrew & Hanna. Peterson and Louis & Zoe Weinberg..Appeal filed on Res. No. 3632 DENIED, and Zoning Committee's decision sustained. Res. No. 92464 l-25-49-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------