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Development Services

Reynard Hills Card 6

REYNARD HILLS CARD 6.tif \1 Card #6-, I Lot 82- Permit to E. Fenner to operate florist sales office on premises, sales to be made by telepllone, flowers to be picked up, arranged, and delivered by operator, witll occasional temporary storage on premises, and to include sale of orcllids raised on premises, with no employees nor signs on premises, for approx 2 yrs, at 643 w. Redwood. Zone R-l. Cond'l. C-5049 7-13-62 l yr ext to exp 6-13-64 Lot 9 Alexander H. Opolske & Edna Opolski to use tile exist gar on property as a Watchmaker and Jewelry Repair ab.op and have applied for Zone Variance. AGREE #314 9-20-44 Lot 101- Permit to Nannette W. Waterous to replace exist wall wi tll 461 of concrete block ret wall obs o' SB on Eagle St. wllere a max 3' high wall is perm within a 15' estab SB; wall rang~ in lleight from 3 '-6" to 4'-6", at 2918 Dove St. betw Palm st. and Redwood St. Zone R-1-5. c-10145 N.H. 9-2970--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 141- Permit DElUED to Kenneth & Valerie Hagan to maintain exist converted sin car car- port and eliminate required off-street parking space, at 2681 Arroyo Drive betw Dove St. & Palm st. zone R-1-5. c-12114 1-10-74 L;t-i4i-:-A;~;i~-byR;;h;;i-i;;;~-t;-BZA-:-i;;;ai-G:RANm_______________________________ C-12714 9-18-74--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------