Ridgeview Acres # 1
RIDGEVIEW ACRES # 1.tif RIDGEVIEW ACRES NO, I Lots 2,5,6,- Permit to St. John Engineering Co. Inc. owner & Ford Invest. Co. lessee to const. 10' x 12' unlighted double-faced sign on Lot 2; to use sin fam res on lot 5 & also 6 as model home, with sales off in gar. on Lot 5' & one feature sign 2' x 3' on each Lots 5 & 6 & one 1611 x 2011 sales off. sign on Lot 5, for one yr. NW corner Euclid & Altadena Ave R-1 Zone cond'I Case No. 2635 7-10-59 AMENDMENT to re I ocate l O' x 12' sign from Lot 2 to Lot 1. 9-4-59 Lot 18- Permit to San Diego, Assmbly of God Parsonage to maintain exist retaing wall on NEly & SWly sides ranging in hgt frm 7' to 3' & construct retaining wall & planter on NEly side rang in hgt frm 7' to 3' exist wall & propos wall & planter to obs O' SB on Altadena Ave. {10' SB req) 3127 Altadena R-1 condl. NH Case No. 4347 8-23-61