Rio Land Subdivision
RIO LAND SUBDIVISION.tif R 10 LAND SUBD rvrs ION. Lot 1- Permtt to Rto Land Co. to const 16,000 sq. ft. commercial bldg and provide 50 pklng spaces (31 additional spaces to be provided on adj lot) at 1111 Camino de! Rio South, Zone CA-S. Condition. C-14090. 2-16-77.----------------------------------------------------------------------tessee----------------Lot 1- Permit to Rio Land Company, owner; and Wendy's San Diego, Inc. to construct 200 sq. ft. ground sign 50' high where 20 1 high and 37 1/2 sq. ft. area is the maximum permitted, at 1111 Camino Del Rio South, Zone CAS.---'C"""ASE #151?_4_ TABLED ----- Parcel 2, Map 9244, Lots 1 & 2- Permit DENIED by ZA to A-M ASSOCIATES to construct a two- story office building over a one-story parking garage and to provide 63 parking spaces where one for each 200 sq. ft. of gross floor area or 102 off-street parking spaces Is required, directly east of 1075 Camino Del Rio South, Zone CA. ~ C-16915 9-12-80 Lot 2- Permit GRANTED to A.M ASSOCIATES, a Limited Partnership, owner/permlttee, to construct and operate a Planned Commercial Development located on the south side of Camino Del Rio South, east of Glasoe Lane, Zone CA. PCD #30-114-0 1-7-82 Lots 1 and 2- Permit GRANTED to NORTH COUNTY HOLDING COMPANY, a General Partnership, owner/permittee, to construct and operate a Planned Commercial Development located on the south side of Camino Del Rio South, east of Glasoe Lane, Zone CA, PCD #82-0081 10-5-82 (6> ~ 2._ ~ (?~ ~#-9?-_L\~