Rio Vista Center Card 2
RIO VISTA CENTER CARD 2.tif RIO VISTA CENTE~ Lots 1-5- CONROCK PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION- to develop complex comprised of offices, hotel and restaurant located on south side of Friars Road, between Stadium Way and Interstate 805, Map 10305, Zone CO. PCD # 82-0537 APPROVED 12-2-83 Lot 1- J. Hare, Sign Code Administrator- APPROVED request of CALMAT (COMROCK) PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT CORP. to maintain an existing single-faced temporary real estate ground sign at 2197 Stadium Way, Zone CO with conds. C-19511 3/6/87 Lot 5 (Par. 1 of P.M. 13483) SCA APPROVED request of CALMAT {COMROCK) PROPERTY DEV. COPR.- to maintain an existing single-faced temporary real estate ground sign where ground signs are not permitted. Sign is 160 sq. ft. each face, 20' in height located at 2203 Stadium Way., Zone Co with conds. C-1 0512 3/6/87 Lots 1-5-The Planning Commission GRANTED a Planned Commercial Development Permit Amendment to Cal Mat Properties, owner, and Interstate Hotels Corporation, permittee, to amend PCD Nos.85-0875 & 86-1031 to allow a lettered sign program. ~s No. 13483 & 10305 in the CO Zone. PCD 87-0517 \ Sept. lO, 1987