Riviera Villa,Map 1920 Block O Card 2
RIVIERA VILLA,MAP 1920 BLOCK O CARD 2.tif RIVIERA VILLA, MAP Nfl, t920 BLOCK 0 CARD #2 Lot 19- ZA APPROVED request to constr. a 5' hi retaining wal 1 82' in length observing a 1 1 front yard where themaximum height is 3' within the 15' front yard at 4369 Osprey Street, zoned rl-8000 with cond. '., 1/9/86 Portion of Lot 16- ZA DENIED as requested, but APPROVED request of DIRK T. METZGER to maintain deck, patio and fencing as approved by Building Inspection Plan File A000988, subj to conds. at 1048 Alexandria Drive, Rl-8000 zone. C-19940 5/20/88 Lot 11 ZA DENIED as requested but APPROVED Items 1 & 2 and part of Item No. 4 for gate of the request by,URSULA M. KOEHLER to (1) maintain a guest quarters (currently in violation) and to construct an addition to said guest quarters where such use is permitted by Conditional Use Permit only; (2) said guest quarters observing a 1'-1'' side yard where 5'-0" is required; (3) to maintain an existing 10'-0" wide, secondary driveway located 24'-6'' from a new driveway which is providing access to required parking where 20-'0" between driveways serving the same premise is required; and (4) to maintain overheight retaining walls and entry stairs, and to construct 5'-0" high wrought iron gates in the 15'-0" required front yard and in the visibility areas adjacent to the driveway. 4334 Piedmont Drive, Rl-8000 zone Coastal Zone, Coastal Height Limitation Zone CUP- 20747 4/12/91