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Development Services

Riviera Villas Block B

RIVIERA VILLAS BLOCK B.tif RIVIERA VILLAS BLOCK B l\ Lot 12- AGR"EEMENT to Roy E. Dodson, Jr. & Eleanor to construct family room addn with bar sink to existing sin fam dwell'- said family room addn with bar sink will never be rented, leased or otherwise used as a separate dwelling unit & no second Kitchen will ever be installed. at 1226 Alexandria Dr. Zone R-1-5 AZ-1578 4-11-69 I---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Lot 12- Z.A. DENIED request of Roy E. & Eleanor Dodson to erect approx 92' of retaining wall ranging in ht from O' to 5 16 11 in req 15' front yd, where max ht of 3' is perm at 1226 Alexandria Dr., betw La Paloma & Santa Barbara Ste but APPROVED a retaining wall 5', on side property lines, 3' back of required 15' front yard. C-9377 N.H. 6-30-69 ' I I '