Riviera Villas Block A Card 1
RIVIERA VILLAS BLOCK A CARD 1.tif CARD # l RIVIERA VILLAS BOOCK A Lot l- Permit DENIED to Lawrence & Lillian Coone to erect 5' fecce in SB area on Trieste Dr., 1345 Santa Barbara. Res. No. 7434 5-27-53 Lot 3- Permit to Or,n K. & Henri M. Wahrenbrock to const sing fam res with 30' SB on Santa Barbara St. 1 1335 Santa Barbara Res. No. 7709 9-2-53 Lot 3- Permit to Orin K. & Henri M. Wahrenbrock to const res with 30' SB on Santa Barbara & permit open type screen to ectend into SB 7', also gar with 20' SB on Triesta Dr. Res. No. 8373 7-21-54 Lot 15, Permit to Jasper Shay to const 73' long redwood fence, 6 1 hi within front SB area, 1230 Trieste Dr. R-1, to be painted I ight color to conform to color of r~s i dence.. Res. 4434 2-8-50 Lot 13- AGREEMENT #961 to Geo. B & Frydak Nic~loff to corat bedrm, bath and playrm with bar sink, on lower level of res. 12-12-57 Lot 5- AGREEMENT #928 to R.L. & Elizabeth A. Ogram to const res with bar sink Ion low- er floor. June 25 1957 Lot 4- Kenneth D. & Helen H. Sharp to build an addn to res, including a new kitchen 1325 Santa Barbara AGREEMENT# 84o May 6, 1955 Lot 4- Permit to Kenneth D. Sharp & Helen H. Shartp (JT) to bid addn to res, lnclud new kitchen AGREEMENT #794 7-10-53 Lot 15- Permit to Jasper Shay to const 73' of redwood fence 61 ht within frnt SB area 1230 Trieste Dr. RES NO. 4434 2-8-50-.,