Riviera Villas Block K Card 2
RIVIERA VILLAS BLOCK K CARD 2.tif RIVIERA VILLAS BLOCK K ~ CARD ffZ.. Lot 7- Permit was considered by ZA to THOMAS B. SMITH to construct combination wood and~,chain link fence, 6 1 high, observing O' front yard on Sorrento Drive where 15' is required, at 1125 Novara Street, ~one R-1-5. DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED construction of approximately 51' of 5 1 high wood fence observing 0' front yard on Sorrento Drive and approximately 25 1 of 6 1 high fence on side property lines where a maximum 3' high fence is permitted In the 15 1 front yard. C-17859 NH 1-13-83 Lot 18- ZAconsicereo request of ERNEST E. PENNELL to maintain approximately 90 1 of fence varying in height up to 5 1611 maximum, observing a O' front yard on Sorrento Drive where a 3 1 high fence is the maximum permitted, and after consideration of the finding of facts, has DENIED as requested, but APPROVED a 5' high fence at 0 1 setback on Sorrento Drive located at 1033 Cornish Drive, Zone R-1-5 with conds; C-17720 8/6/82--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 13- ZA DENIED REQUEST of DONALD D. & RITA R. LILLEGARD, but APPROVED request to remodel an existing nonconf1rming, single-family dwelling 1) resulting in a max. height of 35'6" where 30' is the max heightpermitted; 2) to erect 34' of 6' max. high solid wall; & 3) to maintain a deck observing 3' side yard at the closest point where 4' side yard is reqd. at 1060 Sorrento Drive, Rl-5000 with conds. C-19697 8/21/87-----------------------------------------------------------