Riviera Villas Block K Card 3
RIVIERA VILLAS BLOCK K CARD 3.tif RIVIERA VILLAS BLOCK K i)o GARD #3 La-t-1-9-- ZA has DENIED-a-s-r-equested-but-A-PPRO\IEO--W-t-wmlrtherequest of-SLORlA JOMlIA & EUGEN BURKARD to maintain; (1) 67' of 5' high solid fence observing a 0'0" front yard on Sorrento j Orlve;-&- (21-ma i nta in 15ro-r-61nfglf sol id fenceo1> serv1 ng,r oon front,Yard at closest point a--'1-a-n-g Hie no.P.therly property line,- 1029 Cornish- Dri-11e,- Rl-S_Q_Q_Q, Map 1929. C-19926 6/24/88 Lot 1.,.. AGREEMEN'l' wil;l!_J~ill and Sharon Paxton to canst a 2nd-story master bedroom, full bathroom addn to an existing residence with outside access from 1st floor and nu.ctdle floor-ancr iriterior-a:ccess through internal staircase-to-ha-llway- leading. to kitchen. below,_ locat~d__ at-1185. Novara Street. Rl-:SQOO_Zone. AGREEMENT /14847:..12120/90 ------ , ''----------------------------------=---------- Lots 14, 15- & 16, Fenee-Va'E den-ied--as E'e(Jue-st.-ed-by--appr-0ved a 5'. solid fence b_y_ SCA,_ MICHAE_L & DONNA:L_E!VIS, JOHN FENOGLIO, STEPHEN LIS AND THE KATSAKOS FAMILY TRUST sought to maintain- a--6-1 sofl:.d-fence-with iii- the- 15 ' frontyara-- adjacent to-Sorrento Drive whe:r::-e a maximum 6' f-ence-is-permitted-p-r-ovided---- tj'l! b_o-t:tom_J' i_s solid and the top 3' is 50% open - c---21209----- 6_;23_;95-------------------------------------~--