Riviera Villas Block L Card 1
RIVIERA VILLAS BLOCK L CARD 1.tif RIVIERA vn.LAS BLOCK L I Card #1-,,,,,.,... =- l Lot 15, Joe A. & v. Christine McComa.s denied to ma:f.nt 6 fence obs 2' Sl3 from Barcelona Dr,;, (12' Sl3 req & ~ fence is perm) at 1025 Sorrento Dr. R-1 zone, but approved req to locate 6 fence elsewhere. C-3259 4-8-60-----------------------------~---------------------------------------------------------------~ Appeal 6-15-60, Zon Admin. decision sustained, co~d'l--------------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 11- permit to Mr. & Mrs. Frederick w. Braubach, Jr. to ma.int exist 3' to 7' h1 al.synite fence on top of exist cone wall ran.gg in bite frm 2' to 5' for overall bite rangg frm 5' to 1 141 at 1051 Sorrento, Zone R-1 Cond'l C-5408 12-20-62 I---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Lot 9- z.A. considered the appl of Torstein & Irene Strand to const 22' x 22' two car gar J a 9'-6" x 19 1-611 storage rm & an 11' x 13 1611 maid's quarters obs 10' SB from Barcelona Dr. in conj with exist sin fem res, where 17'-6", the avg SB of the block is req; & gar to obs 611 SY on ne prop line & maid's quarters to obs 18" SY on SW prop line where 4 1 SY r req 8c has DI! APPROVED the req for 10' SB frm Barcelona Dr., DENIED the req 1811 SY for maid's quarters & has req obsvnc of 4 1 SY 8c has APPROVED the 6" side yrd for gar at 1065 Sorrento Dr. R-1-5 Zone. Condl. C-7178, 7179 6-21-65 /& (