Riviera Villas Block N Card 1
RIVIERA VILLAS BLOCK N CARD 1.tif RIVIERA VILLAS BLOCK N 1 CARDi#l Lot 3, Permit to Chas J. and Audrey K. Badewitz to construct residence with 15 ft, setback on Osprey Street average of block- 21 ft., 4334 Osprey Street, Zone R-1. Res, No. 8661 12-22-54 Parcel A of Lot 5- Permit was considered by ZA to RICHARD L. SNAPPER to construct a 763 I sq. ft. addition over a 594 sq. ft. below-grade garage to existing single-family dwelling with': (1) garage observing a 10 1 setback adjoining Calaveras Drive where 15 1 is required; and ' (2) to erect approximately 65 1 of solid 6 1 high wood fence on top of 2 1 high retaining wall adjoining Osprey Street where a 3 1 open fence on top of a 3 1 retaining wall Is permltted,- at 1025 Calaveras Drive, Zone R-1-8. DECISION: (I} APPROVE; (2) DENY fence, but APPROVE maintenance of 21 retaining wall, and APPROVE a 6 1 high wood fence 2 1 behind the retaining wall. Conditions. C-17846 12-3-82