Rizzo Terrace
RIZZO TERRACE.tif... '.- ~~G?r-S RIZZO TERRACE lS Lot ll- Permit to B. E. & Ida Reaves to maintain sin fam res. with fireplace obs. 10' SB (12' reg) at 6675 Saranac St. R-l Case 2878 10-23-59 Lot 5- Permit to P~il ip E & Gertrude C. Minnix to const enclosed patio addn to exist sing fam res with direct access there to. Patio addn to obs 10' rear yard where 20' is req screen enclosure only, at 6640 Saranac St. Wly of Lenore Dr. Zone R-l Case No. 5655 5-8-63