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Development Services

Robyn Heights

ROBYN HEIGHTS.tif ROBYN HEIGHTS Lot 7 Permit to Paul J. & Grace Weston to single fam res; addn to obs 16' rear yd where.St & Zed St; Zone R-1-5. constr 11 1611 x 20' fam rm addn to exist 20' req; 4081 Boone St, SW corner Boone Case No. 8507 12-26-67 Lot 5 Permit DENIED to Richard & Yoko Pizzo to constr 16 1 x 16 1 311 fam rm addn to exist single fam dwell; addn to obs 12 1 rear yd where 20' req; 4061 Boone St betw Forney Ave & Zed St; Zone R-1-5. Case No. 10850 11-5-71