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Development Services

Roger E.O Addn Block 367

ROGER E.O ADDN BLOCK 367.tif.-------~~---- '.1...., E. O. ROGfRS ADDN BLOCK 367 Lots 7- 17- Erect auto court of 22 units & owners' Hiway; Granted to Fortune Dogneaux, 2880 El Cajon. Res. residence; Gaines & Pacific 72509 10-22-40 Lots 7- 17- Permit to E. K. & Virginia M. Nelson & Albert Horton to convert owner's residence into 3 motel units to be used w/exist motel to make total of 25 units & Mgr's apt; Gaines St & San Diego Ave. Res. 2701 12-3-47;~_.. '_.j'!;--